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Vinjos Martial Arts Fitness Kickboxing Classes

Fitness Kickboxing

Never taken a kickboxing class before? That’s okay! Anyone can enjoy our classes regardless of their age or experience. The best part is that you’ll never have to worry about being the new person because we always have people coming in to see what all the hype is about! If you are still a bit unsure, you can always bring a friend to come and try it out with you.
Fun and never boring! Our creativity will keep things fresh and we’ll keep you on your toes!
At Vinjo’s Martial Arts our fitness class is the most fun you can have while sculpting a lean and mean physique.

The Start: The warm up is going to get your body warm and primed for a workout that your body will be thanking you for later! Great motivating instructors and music will get you ready for the rest of the class! 
Body Sculpting, Body Weight, Cardio and Fat Burning! From cardio routines to resistance bands, body weight exercises and kettle bells our fitness classes combine the best of all fitness workouts to keep you motivated and get you into the best shape of your life! Our instructors are certified black belts in the martial arts and are dedicated to toning and tightening your body while giving you some serious self defense skills!
By taking classes at Vinjo’s Martial Arts you can expect:
  • To get a lean toned body without getting bulky or big
  • Get into amazing fitness shape
  • Guidance every step of the way of your fitness journey
  • Well trained and caring instructors
  • Added benefit of learning from a black belt instructors teaching real techniques that are capable of saving your life
  • Meet new people with similar interests
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem
         Plus much more!!
Vinjos Martial Arts Fitness Kickboxing Classes


Start Today and Start seeing Results,

Have a Blast!


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2 Weeks for $10

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